Home April 20, 2015

Spring Cleaning … My Mt. Everest

 As we bid adieu to winter and usher into spring, it’s the perfect time to purge, clean  and organize. As a realtor, I think about spring as my “busy time of year”. But as a  mom, spring brings to mind the task of spring cleaning that seems like the Mt. Everest of housekeeping tasks. This year, I decided to tackle it one step at a time and try something different.

 Make a Cleaning List

 Lists help me stay organized – they also help me see what I’ve accomplished after I  can joyfully check off each one and see my overall progress. This also helps you see  exactly what you’ll need for supplies. There’s nothing worse than having to stop  everything right as you’re getting in the groove to run and grab Magic Erasers for the  crayon on the wall!

 Make Your Playlist…

Or turn on your favorite radio station! When you can sing along to your favorite oldies  station or dance around with your kids to New Hits, it makes time go by fast and puts everyone in a better mood.


Take it One Step at a Time

When you’re determined that you will get every last dust particle wiped and the entire house cleaned within 30 minutes, you’ll overwhelm yourself and anyone involved. You may even have the dog running for the woods. Take it one step at a time and set realistic goals. Try setting the goal of cleaning a certain number of rooms per weekend. You’ll be less stressed with the whole idea and you’ll have leftover time to spend with the family or take a hike.

Get Some Help

Open the windows, enjoy the fresh breeze and DELEGATE! Split your list into sections or particular jobs for the whole family to split. In our family, my husband usually tackles the outside while I am busy inside and the kids are running between us. Even the youngest of helpers can make a difference! My two year old helps mommy sweep the floors and pick up her toys. Then she bounces outside to help daddy bag any yard debris and rake the grass.

Be Patient

A rule I’ve always lived by is work smarter – not harder. If you’re having a hard time getting grime or stains up, spray your cleaner and let it sit. Move onto something else while your cleaner does all the hard work.

Reward Yourself When You’re Done!

After hours of scrubbing and dusting, you deserve a little something special. After all, having something to look forward to after a long day’s work makes it that much better when you’re done! So grab the fam or roommates and head off to one of our 20+ breweries and enjoy a cold one to celebrate that fresh-start feeling. If that’s not your style, relax in your freshly cleaned house and take it all in. You deserve it.